martedì 24 marzo 2020




What a strange life, sometimes it makes you take different paths from the ones you thought you were doing, sometimes it knocks you down to the end or raises you to the top of success or even gives you a monotonous, peaceful life where you appear and you go without leave a trace.
I can say that mine has been intensely full of pain but also of adventures and experiences that have made me change maturing and have removed that verve and cheerfulness of the past transforming it into light melancholy and solitude inside.
The strangest thing in my life was to have, in a sense, three fathers, in three different ages.
Three different men who in recent years have played a role in my existence:
Mario, my real father, the one who generated me and who is now unfortunately among the people affected by this cursed virus and who still has little to stay here on this good and ferocious mother earth. A man who never wanted me, perhaps even loved me and never followed. I missed it, I felt pain because of not understanding why. One day I heard the reason from his voice as my mother screamed and so I made a decision, I would never speak to him again, I also silenced at the table, at home, around, between friends and relatives until, when I was eight years old my dearest aunt had married Luigi.
Luigi, a nice, intelligent man, of culture, taught me to paint, to draw to understand astronomy and every time my father attacked me he took really strong positions and thus made me feel loved.
I will never forget his words one day when I ran away to his house crying after arguing with Mario.

"I should have been your dear father my boyfriend"

His words filled my heart and when I left when I was only nineteen, it was he I thought of as a father.
Then fate as always bad took Luigi away and so I felt orphaned even though Mario was there.
I tried again the approach with him several times in many years but I found a wall in front so I closed everything thinking about Luigi that if he had been there maybe I would have felt less alone.
John almost breaks into my life for a stroke of luck, astronomy a passion in common, so as a simple astronomer in contact with a great astronomer who is him, John, we have become like father and son.
He advises me, listens to me, is a man despite his young age, head, spirit, intelligent and very good and generous.
A great person that I allow myself to call dad, because he is English, so now that dad Mario and dad Luigi are gone, I have John and I hope for a long time to come.

Giampaolo Daccò D.L.

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